Full-Text Books Now available

 Take a look at these informative books…just click each book cover for access to the complete book!

This book champions the Big Six Skills approach to library and information skills instruction. It is an approach based on information problem-solving, taught through integration with subject area curriculum, and generalizable to all information situations. The Big Six Skills approach gives students the competence and confidence necessary to meet a lifetime of information needs. A library and information skills instruction program of this kind is essential to education in a changing world. 

This book is intended to provide practitioners in the field of school librarianship with both a conceptual framework and practical approaches to the curriculum-related responsibilities of the school library program. These responsibilities involve libary & information skills instruction and curriculum support services.

This is an upbeat, positive, can-do book. It’s about how educators, parents, and caregivers can help young students to succeed at whatever they want to do. Young students can learn to become much better thinkers and problem-solvers by learning and focusing on “process.” But, it’s not easy to do this—to explain to young children about process.

So, the purpose of the Super3 is to provide a “process” for children to learn and use in order to be successful in whatever task they undertake. Teachers, families, and caregivers help students to be successful by teaching them how to use the Super3.